How to solve the problem of yellowing of water quality of softened water equipment?

Published in:2020-03-20    Category:Common problem  News Center  

The water quality in many areas is relatively hard, so the use of demineralized water equipment has become very common. The demineralized water equipment has helped us achieve water quality softening and greatly improved our domestic water use. If users who use demineralized water equipment find that the effluent quality is yellowing, don’t worry, learn the following methods, so that you can easily solve the trouble of softening water yellowing. Let’s take a look at how to solve the yellowing problem of softened water equipment.

If the user finds that the water quality of the softened water equipment is yellowing, first of all, it is necessary to check whether the faucet is rusted, whether the pipeline is rusted or secondary pollution. If there is no problem with the faucet and the pipes, the soft water will still be yellow, and the resin must be contaminated. Because the resin has not been backwashed for a long time, the industrial brine is not slowly injected into the resin, so that the sodium ions in the brine and the calcium and magnesium ions in the water have a replacement reaction. When the resin reaches saturation after the displacement reaction, the water quality of the softened water will be affected, causing the softened water to yellow. At this time, the resin must be backwashed to wash away impurities attached to the surface of the resin to achieve the effect of resin regeneration. Users can use professional disinfectants to disinfect the resin, and then wash the resin with hot water at 70 to 75 degrees.